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Your Not for Profit Association representing Pre-Hospital Care Providers

Companies supplying First Aid/Medic Services must have;
Ensure that risk assesment requirments are met, Medics hired should have experience in the type of event/work.
We recommend the Medic you are hiring has a minimum of 12 months experience, which includes the type of activity that he/she is to undertake and; If they are using the title paramedic then they must have a State recognized qualification and when registration comes in later in 2018 have AHPRA registration.
Their CPR HLTAID001 or advanced resuscitation HLTAID007 certification is within 12 months of expiry.
First Aid Certificate
In addition to any advanced qualifications and training, degrees or other certificate, with the exception of Medical Practitioners (Doctors) all Medics must have a current Provide First Aid certificate HLTAID003.
Association membership
If they are undertaking any training they should be an accredited member of a First Aid/Medic/EMT association or have government registration.
Protocol and Code of Conduct
Any Company supplying Medic/First aid services must work under an approved protocol and Code of Conduct and Public Health Regulation 2012, schedule 3.
Professional Insurance plus Public Liability Insurance
For your protection It is important to ensure that the company has Professional indemnity insurance in addition to the Public Liability insurance. Public liability does not cover casualty treatment. Also, the professional indemnity insurance needs to cover non-emergency patient transport (movement of a casualty by car or stretcher).
USE OF Vehicles
If you require Medics to supply a vehicle such as an ATV or motor bike they allmust be registered and have green slip third party insurance or have conditional registration and a Certificate of Approved Operations from Transport Roads and Marine Services stating that the use is for Medic/First Aid work at organised events and can be used on public areas such as forestry areas etc.
Workers compensation insurance
If not being covered under your policy companies engaged must also have in place a current workers compensation policy covering First Aiders/Medics.
High risk workplaces that are likely to have a major delay in accessing emergency services.
The Medic sould have competencies required to administer first aid in a remote and/or isolated situation, including preparing for aero-medical evacuation
Child Protection Police clearance
Medics are working with or where there are people under the age of 18 years they must by law have police working with children clearance.
Patient records
All treatments will be recorded and kept on file by the company.
First Aid and other medical supplies carried for large events should include;
Oxygen resuscitation equipment and airway management
Cardiac monitor ECG defibrillation equipment Lifepac as used by NSW Ambulance (heart attack)
Adrenalin (anaphylaxis pre-hospital management) EpiPen
Penthrox (acute pain management) withTherapeutic Goods approval
Salbutamol (asthma)
Glucagon (Diabetes)
Glyceryl trinitrate and salicylic acid (AMI)
Other medications as needed diabetic etc.
Fully equipped, Trauma Kit per Medic “back pack” First Aid kit and back up supplies.
Stretcher special scoop type.
Treatment table x 1
Folding bed x 1
Medical examination equipment
Portable ice box
Spine board neck collars etc.
Large Sporting events often have a large number of volunteers, workers and contractors on site. These in combination with the participants need to be taken into consideration when assessing the first aid requirements needed.
An example would be a high risk event such as triathlon. If the total number involved at any one time is over 100 then a first aid room controlled by a trained occupational first aider (WHS act 2011) should be supplied by the event controller or the contracted Medic supplier.
It is possible to have a first aid room in a tent type structure that can contain the equipment as outlined in the following.
Reputable First Aid/Event Medic contractors should be able to supply all the needed equipment for a mobile first aid room and the pre hospital care equipment needed to meet the risk assessment requirements that have taken into account the types of injuries that have occurred in the past.
First aid in the workplace code of practice July 2014
NSW note: This code of practice has been approved under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Notice of that approval was published in the NSW Government Gazette referring to this code of practice as First aid in the workplace code of practice on Friday, 18 July 2014. This code of practice commenced on Friday, 18 July 2014.
2.3 The number and composition of workers and other people
When considering the size of your workforce, you should include any contractors, subcontractors, and volunteers you engage. This may mean the size of your workforce may vary over time.
For the purposes of deciding who requires access to first aid, you should consider the maximum number of workers that you may engage at any one time. Generally, a larger workforce requires more first aid resources. You should also consider:
• the particular needs of workers who have a disability or a known health concern
• others at your workplace who are not your workers, for example, students in workplaces such as schools, members of the public in places of entertainment, fairgrounds and shopping centres.
3.4 First aid facilities
A risk assessment will help determine the type of first aid facilities needed. For example, a clean, quiet area within the workplace that affords privacy to an injured or ill person may be suitable and practicable for some workplaces. Access to a telephone for contacting emergency services or an emergency call system should be provided as part of all first aid facilities.
First aid rooms
A first aid room should be established at the workplace if a risk assessment indicates that it would be difficult to administer appropriate first aid unless a first aid room is provided. For example, workers who carry out work at workplaces where there is a higher risk of serious injury or illness occurring that would not only require immediate first aid, but also further treatment by an emergency service, may benefit from having access to a dedicated first aid room.
A first aid room is recommended for: •
low risk workplaces with 200 workers or more •
high risk workplaces with 100 workers or more.
The contents of a first aid room should suit the hazards that are specific to the workplace. The location and size of the room should allow easy access and movement of injured people who may need to be supported or moved by stretcher or wheelchair.
The following items should be provided in the room:
• a first aid kit appropriate for the workplace
• hygienic hand cleanser and disposable paper towels
• an examination couch with waterproof surface and disposable sheets • an examination lamp with magnifier
• a cupboard for storage
• a container with disposable lining for soiled waste FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE CODE OF PRACTICE 11
• a container for the safe disposal of sharps
• a bowl or bucket (minimum two litres capacity)
• electric power points
• a chair and a table or desk
• a telephone and/or emergency call system
• the names and contact details of first aiders and emergency organisations. A first aid room should:
• be located within easy access to a sink with hot and cold water (where this is not provided in the room) and toilet facilities
• offer privacy via screening or a door
• be easily accessible to emergency services (minimum door width of 1 metre for stretcher access)
• be well lit and ventilated • have an appropriate floor area (14 square metres as a guide)
• have an entrance that is clearly marked with first aid signage. Maintaining a first aid room should be allocated to a trained occupational first aider, except where this room is part of a health centre or hospital.